Benjamin Fondane was a Romanian-French poet, critic, and philosopher, also noted for his work in film and theater. During and after World War I, he was active as a writer, impressario, and manager of the theatrical troupe Insula. Along with 700 other detainees, Fondane was murdered on or around October 2, 1944 in the gas chamber of the Auschwitz II–Birkenau concentration camp, just four months before its liberation by the Red Army. His closet screenplays are featured in SCRIPTjr.nl's "Lesescenarios" special section.
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Fondane
- ycevi-362@yopmail.com
SCRIPTjr.nl :
- eyes wide open
postSCRIPT :
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SCRIPTshop :
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