

  • Codex Seraphinianus: Hallucinatory Encyclopedia

    "What we would get from a decoded Codex would be nothing more than the pleasure of "getting it" -- that is, cracking a code. If you are a cryptographer, that pleasure will top all others. But ... there is also a pleasure in not getting it. As long as the Codex is not pinned down ... it offers itself as an endless source of speculation about its nature vis-à-vis more orthodox encyclopedias, more familiar worlds."

  • On the Codex Seraphinianus

    "Abiding by the Cartesian dictate that even the most fabulous inventions are mixtures of known things in the world, Serafini's innovations are hybridizations of actual botanical, zoological, mechanical, and human elements sewn together in a fantastic weave of rainbow-hued creativity." (Features a selection of images from Luigi Serafini's Codex Seraphinianus.)