Milcho Manchevski has written and directed the feature films Before the Rain (1994), Dust (2001), Shadows (2007), and Mothers (2011). Before the Rain was nominated for an Academy Award and won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. Manchevski has published fiction, essays, and op-ed pieces in New American Writing, La Repubblica, Corriere Della Sera, Cineaste, The Guardian, Süeddeutsche Zeitung, and Pravda and recently published two books of photography: Street (1999) and Five Drops of Dream (2010). He has lectured at a number of universities, cinematheques, art museums, and art institutes and served as Head of Directing Studies at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts Graduate Film program.
- www.manchevski.com
- milcho.manchevski@gmail.com
- @Milchom
- youtube.com/MilchoManchevski
- facebook.com/Milcho.Manchevski
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