Paul Zelevansky is an artist, writer, and teacher who recently moved to Pittsburgh after 14 years in Los Angeles. His work includes digital animation, artist's books, theoretical writing, curating, and graphic design. He has a BFA in Painting from Carnegie Mellon University, a Masters in Educational Technology from Columbia Teachers' College, and was a member of a team that created some of the earliest digital interactive museum exhibitions (NY Hall of Science 1988-92). His PhD, also from Columbia, is in art education, and he has published widely on the use of text and image, web art, popular culture, and educational and aesthetic theory. His most recent book is 24 IDEAS ABOUT PICTURES, a primer composed of 24 visual/verbal propositions about the grammar, meaning, and metaphysics of pictures.
- www.greatblankness.com
- ladijamm-071@yopmail.com
- facebook.com/paul.zelevansky
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