Quimby Melton lives in Southern California where he directs operations for his boutique hypermedia design firm Studio Hyperset, manages a raging narrative creation/consumption habit, cultivates the Victorian "gentleman adventurer" ideal, and edits SCRIPTjr.nl. A graduate of the Universities of Georgia (BA, cum laude, '00) and Nevada, Las Vegas (MA, '03; PhD, '08), Quimby studied Anglo-American literature, 20th century art and music, and various new media technologies. He's published work in Bright Lights Film Journal, SCRIPTjr.nl, Zouch, and other publications and has written many "closeted" screenplays of his own, which, admittedly, remain so less out of necessity than as a result of consequence.
- studiohyperset.com
- quimby@studiohyperset.com
- @oqm4
- facebook.com/oqmelton
SCRIPTjr.nl :
- “Banal Story”: A Hypermedia Critical Edition
- Apparatus
- Caitlin McCarthy Interview
- Code Poetry
- Colophon
- eyes wide open
- Filippo Soevv
- from Threshold
- Hiroo Yamagata Interview
- horizontal bar
- Introduction – Cryptotexts
- Introduction: Issue 1.2
- Introduction: Issue 2.1
- Introduction: SCRIPTjr.nl & Issue 1.1
- Language Is Hell
- Meddin Studios Mural
- Michael Jacobson Interview
- Permissions & Credits
- Production’s “dubious advantage”: Lesescenarios, closet drama, and the (screen)writer’s riposte
- Revisiting Hemingway’s “Banal Story”: Survey, Significance & Semiotics
- Satu Kaikkonen
- The All Text
- Graffiti Text
- Graffiti Text
- Graffiti Text
- Gynocide Diary
- J. J. Grandville’s Asemic Text
- Ludwig Wittgenstein in Front of an Asemic Chalkboard
- New Lesescenario Translations
- Pactum foederis Urbani Grandieri
- SCRIPTjr.nl 2.0
- SCRIPTshop & postSCRIPT
postSCRIPT :
SCRIPTshop :
Quimby Melton hasn't listed any work for sale in the SCRIPTshop.