SCRIPTjr.nl :
Catherine Vidler hasn't contributed any work to SCRIPTjr.nl.
postSCRIPT :
- 12 visual poems in response to ‘the columns of Love’ in Bill Manhire’s poem ‘Indexing Emily’: http://bit.ly/2bDByVe
- abcs
- Chaingrass collaborations with @AndromedaBot
- Chaingrass collaborations with flora
- chaingrass night and unresolved chaingrass tiling
- chaingrass patterns by Catherine Vidler
- chaingrass pre-patterns by Catherine Vidler
- Chaingrass: downloadable PDF chapbooks
- Composite lost sonnet 2_154_77_79_38_ 118_41_115_19_137_ 60_96_21_135_58_ 98_9_147_70_86_ 31_125_48_108_12_ 144_67_89_28_128_ 51_105_4_152_75_ 81_36_120_43_113_ 17_139_62_94_23_ 133_56_100_7_149_ 72_84_33_123_46_ 110_14_142_65_91_ 26_130_53_103_2_ 154_77_79_38_118_ 41_115_19_137_60_ 96_21_135_58_98_ 9_147_70_86_31_ 125_48_108_12_144_ 67_89_28_128_51_ 105_4_152_75_81_ 36_120_43_113_17_ 139_62_94_23_133_ 56_100_7_149_72_ 84_33_123_46_110_ 14_142_65_91_26_ 130_53_103
- Derivative Symmetries
- From Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs, a pangrammic novel by Tom Jenks & Catherine Vidler
- Hearts
- Intentionally distracted poems
- lake labyl, a two-part work published by SOd press
- There was no way of reading the message such that the message remained unclear
SCRIPTshop :
Catherine Vidler hasn't listed any work for sale in the SCRIPTshop.