Composite lost sonnet 2_154_77_79_38_ 118_41_115_19_137_ 60_96_21_135_58_ 98_9_147_70_86_ 31_125_48_108_12_ 144_67_89_28_128_ 51_105_4_152_75_ 81_36_120_43_113_ 17_139_62_94_23_ 133_56_100_7_149_ 72_84_33_123_46_ 110_14_142_65_91_ 26_130_53_103_2_ 154_77_79_38_118_ 41_115_19_137_60_ 96_21_135_58_98_ 9_147_70_86_31_ 125_48_108_12_144_ 67_89_28_128_51_ 105_4_152_75_81_ 36_120_43_113_17_ 139_62_94_23_133_ 56_100_7_149_72_ 84_33_123_46_110_ 14_142_65_91_26_ 130_53_103
This composite lost sonnet is the last in the 7th and final series of my composite lost sonnets. All composite lost sonnets can be downloaded at
A note on the composite lost sonnets: Some time after making my original series of 155 lost sonnets, I had an idea that I could use the lost sonnets from that series to make a new series of ‘composite lost sonnets’. Seven series of composite lost sonnets ensued. Each composite lost sonnet was made from a pair of lost sonnets from the series preceding it. The pairs were selected via a ‘fold-in’ method, such that, for example, the first composite lost sonnet was made from lost sonnet 1 and lost sonnet 155, the second from lost sonnet 2 and lost sonnet 154, the third from lost sonnet 3 and lost sonnet 153, and so on until arriving at the final composite lost sonnet in the first series, made from two copies of lost sonnet 78. Subsequent series were made via the same method. Thus, the first composite lost sonnet in the second series was made from composite lost sonnet 1_155 and composite lost sonnet 78_78.
A note on the visually discernible textual elements: 'immaculate', 'there', 'out' and 'the'. These words come from a line of a long poem-sequence by Tom Jenks. The line is: 'out there immaculate the sarcasm of rooks'. The poem-sequence is 'Spruce' (BLART books, 2015). Lost sonnets 110 and 119 were made for and from this line, and words from the line re-appear in composite lost sonnets.