The new instance of includes two new features:
The SCRIPTshop sells swag as well as asemic art and texts published under the postSCRIPT imprint.
postSCRIPT, our lightly-edited, discussion-driven, blogging platform, serves several roles.
First, in addition to sharing updates and postSCRIPT imprint news, postSCRIPT also serves as a discussion space for asemic art installations, Lesescenario discoveries and publications, and other events related to SCRIPT's interests. Second, postSCRIPT serves as a citation-documented, effectively permanent archive of tattoos, graffiti, and other marginalized textual forms. Once fleeting, local, and mutable, these scripted expressions can now be captured, circulated, and archived and, perhaps more importantly, (close) read in detail, at leisure. In short, working in tandem with the YouTube channel and Instagram account, postSCRIPT allows these expressions to be analyzed more like traditional texts.
If you're interested in contributing to postSCRIPT, publishing work under the imprint, or listing asemic art for sale in the SCRIPTshop, please contact the editors.