Four questions about asemic writing, #12: Michael Jacobson
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Do you think the practice of asemic writing is something different from visual poetry? Or a part of it? I think asemic writing IS visual poetry, AND abstract...
Do you think the practice of asemic writing is something different from visual poetry? Or a part of it? I think asemic writing IS visual poetry, AND abstract...
Ekaterina Samigulina answering the questions on behalf of Asemic International Do you think the practice of asemic writing is something different from visual poetry? Or a part of...
Do you think the practice of asemic writing is something different from visual poetry? Or a part of it? They are more likely to be different sides of...
Do you think the practice of asemic writing is something different from visual poetry? Or a part of it? Painting and Writing are twins since the beginning of...
Do you think the practice of asemic writing is something different from visual poetry? Or a part of it? My sense is they revolve around the same centre....